Post Tips And Win Free Movie Voucher (For Indians Only)

 Tipswallet is a site for tips, sharing and gathering tips on just about anything which are practical piece of advices. This portal helps you to find tips from other members of the portal on anything that you are looking for.
If you don’t find them, you can create your own page created with asking other members to provide tips to you. To join this portal you can use your Gmail or Yahoo account IDs rather than filling a page full of your personal information.
Tipswallet has 11 channels and each channel has a bunch of tags. These tag has a bunch of pages and each page has a bunch of tips.
You can call each ‘Channel’ as ‘Micro sites’. These Channels has tags which deal with single topic.
This portal is currently giving BookMyShow movie vouchers worth Rs. 150 who give genuine tips on any page or creating new pages to ask for tips from portal members. Guidelines which are mentioned on their portal are as follows:
1) Every time you submit a tip in any of the pages Or create a new page, you get a chance to win.
2) When creating a new page, the chance of winning is double as submitting a tip.
3) When you contribute more, your chance of winning keeps getting high.
4) When you are in ‘very trustworthy’ band, your chance of winning gets higher. (Trustworthy band means sharing tips which others find useful or sharing your user page in your facebook or twitter network.) This increases the probability of your tips getting positively voted.
There are no limits on how many times you can win movie vouchers but it totally depends on your honesty, hard working and some luck. To Get Free Voucher, Click HERE.

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